Ethel's Just Junk of Tyler, and Country Girl Collections of Gladewater

Ethels Just Junk
Ethel Grimes
731 N Bois D’arc
Tyler Tx 75702
“Ethels’s Treasure Quest has become “Ethel’s Just Junk” after 17 years..people would ask what kind of things
Do you like?…what kinds of things to you carry? I found myself almost always answering "oh..just junk".

I take rusty things..used,abused that would appear to have no value and then I’s kind of what Jesus does with us and makes all things beautiful in its time. I would like to think it’s a time for a Piece of junk to be made into a jewel in your home.”

Country Girl Collections
Diane Taylor
124 S Main St
Gladewater Tx 75647

“I feel so blessed that I get to do something I really enjoy and along the way friendships made…"
Country Girl Collections has a verse written on the wall…” Thou art a Retailer of Phrases and dost deal in Remnents of Remnents like a maker of PinCushions”….
"that pretty much sums up what I’m about".

Making pillows and signs with meaningful words and birdhouses and crosses out of mosaic pieces. And spare parts…all of this surrounded by handpicked antiques in a old building in the antique District of Gladewater”

You can see both of these talented ladies collections at Winnie and Tulula's